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6 Reasons that every Church Needs Small Groups

Most people are intimidated to speak in front of a crowd. It has been said that many people would rather be the person in the casket than have to stand up and speak in front of people at a funeral.

This means that most people would not feel comfortable teaching a class of twenty or more people.  However those same people would feel comfortable teaching a small group of 8 to 10 people, especially if everyone is willing to make a contribution to the learning environment.  Small groups are a great place where everyone can make a contribution, without being intimidated by the size of the group. Every Spiritual Gift can be used within a small group, so everyone has a contribution to make for the success of the group. Even the shy person will have an opportunity to speak up in a small group when it might never happen in a larger setting.

The small group ministry is strategic for every “member” of the church for several reasons:

For Spiritual Growth

Jesus modeled it with his disciples. Discipleship is dependent on the small group. Spiritual growth takes place when we make ourselves accountable to one another in the context of a small group.

For Leadership Development

The small group is the primary place for raising up and training new leaders. Again this was the model of Jesus and the early church.

For Releasing People to do the Ministry

People need to care and be cared for. Small groups are the means for people loving, serving and caring for one another.

For Reaching the Lost for Christ

Small groups are a means for penetrating our city and community for Christ by continually inviting others to join the group.

For Growing Beyond our Facilities

Small groups allow us to continue to grow without having to build more buildings and add more and more staff as God’s people are equipped and released to do ministry in the church and out in the community where they live.

For Assimilating New People into the Church

Small groups are a place that allow people to plug in. It is our goal to plug every new person to our church into a small group where they can be loved and cared for.