Legacy Coaches

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Three Skills of a Spiritual Coach

A Spiritual Life Coach will help the leader focus on developing more and better leaders to expand the ministry.

Here are four reasons this is important:

  1. Reproducing leaders is the most strategic way of expanding the ministry. Many hands make light work. Success without a successor is failure.

  2. It means that more people will receive quality care. Our goal is for everybody to be cared for by somebody. Multiplying leaders is the best way to multiply care.

  3. It reveals the potential for future ministry expansion as more leaders step into the harness of ministry responsibility. These leaders can potentially become missionaries, pastors, and Christian educators.

  4. Jesus commanded us to make disciples, and followers to the ends of the earth. The movement continues to expand as every movement has in history, through the reproduction of leaders through mentorship.

Cultivating a tiered leadership development environment where everyone is cared for by someone is the best way to ensure a healthy expanding movement over time.

Why are coaches so important? Because coaches have three important roles as they invest relationally in the lives of leaders.


Equipping happens best through relationships. That is why great coaches discover that regular bi-monthly contact is a must. These bi-monthly meetings over coffee, for breakfast, or over the phone allow the coach to listen, ask questions and equip a leader. Some of the best meetings come after the coach has observed the leaders’ group/community in action and provided feedback and encouragement. Additionally, there should be regular huddles where all the leaders gather with their coach. During these huddles the leaders not only learn from the coach but are equipped by other leaders the coach has brought together.


Great coaches have a mindset, “I will do whatever needs to be done to develop this leader.”  That may mean coming alongside the leader and serving with them. Depending on the type of group/community, it might mean setting up and tearing down, coordinating logistics for mission projects, helping with childcare, or you name it! Coaches will serve their leaders by praying for them consistently and regularly.


Great coaches are people who have developed leaders so they know what the leader is looking for in an apprentice. They help the leaders identify an apprentice leader. They help the people they are coaching train an apprentice leader.  They assist the leader in releasing that apprentice to become a leader. And together they celebrate when an emerging apprentice steps up to become a leader.